Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It has been a good year for icicles here in Madison. Unfortunately, while they look cool, they're can cause damage to property and can also be dangerous. Our next-door neighbors had a really impressive collection, but when I went out to get a picture, I found that their landlord had knocked them all off. Here are some others:

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Those are great. I hope we get some down here this year.
These are fun photos, Geranium. I guess I walk at night so I don't really see them. Thanks.
Also, I'm so glad to be past that Packers post. I couldn't think of any coherent thing to say.
I've always been facinated by icicles. I'm glad y'all liked the pictures.
Dr. MvM: Do you get actual winter weather in your part of the world? I saw you've got snow on a mountaintop nearby.
Crayons: What was wrong with the Packers post? Should I stop writing about them? This has been an exciting season for fans of the Mighty Pack. Not only have they had a great season so far, but none of the "experts" thought they would be any good at all this year; in fact, it was predicted that they would be horrible. Add that to the fact that they have a quarterback who goes out into his back yard to pee and has surpassed numerous milestones this season and you get a season to remember for years to come. Besides, that post was only at the top for a couple of days (I don't know how some bloggers manage to post once or more per day, maybe they can type faster than 40 minutes per word. They're probably better than me at that brain-thinkin' stuff, too. Go Pack!)
Yes we get actual weather down here. Although it does not snow near as much as it used to here.
"Add that to the fact that they have a quarterback who goes out into his back yard to pee and has surpassed numerous milestones this season ..."
Is there a correlation between the two? Inquiring minds want to know.
Suzy: You'd be surprised at the number of quarterbacks that now pee in their back yards hoping that they, too, will break numerous records. At least their lilacs will thrive, if not their careers.
If you have a roof rake, use it now. At least that's been the advice coming from the news outlets the last few days.
Though I am not a sports fan, I am a Packer fan. I don't mind you giving them some love.
Thanks, Mauricio. I don't know what a roof rake is, but maybe it's time to find out.
I agree with you about the Packers. I don't follow any other team in any sport. I actually find professional sports, or any spectator sport, to be rather distasteful. The Packers are an entirely different story, though. They are quintessentially Wisconsin and the essence of all that is good about football.
We've got an impressive collection of icicles on our insulation-deprived house. I pray every day that I won't end up impaled by one as I leave the house.
A neighbor of ours was just telling us that her mother used to put on a football helmet when she went outside in icicle season. Imagining one of those things falling on your head makes it sound not so kooky after all.
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