Monday, June 16, 2008

The Cow Buzzed

I got it from Luminiferous Ether, who got it from Franiam, who got it from...

In case you're wondering, that title is in reference to a children's book by Andrea Zimmerman that we used to read to our kids back in the dark ages. The bee sneezed and the cow caught the sniffle and the sneeze, Ahchoo!, and next thing you know...

So, this is where I stand on the political compass. Just a hair to the right of Luminiferous Ether.


Suzy said...

Reactionary! Wingnut! Can this marriage be saved?

Andrea Zimmerman said...

I hope you and your kids enjoyed The Cow Buzzed!
Andrea Zimmerman

Suzy said...

Andrea, this is the mom to those same children ... we loved that book!

Ed said...

Welcome, Andrea,

I'm honored that you not only read this post, but also left a comment. As Suzy said, we loved that book and read it to both our daughters many, many times. That's why, whenever I think about the concept of catching something from someone who caught it from someone else, etc., I always think of The Cow Buzzed. Thanks for stopping by!

Fran said...

Ed you make me look like a conservative!!!

And dig that - famous authors coming by and everything.

Smell you for a week Mr. Geranium!! Whoo hoo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ed,

When I took the political compass test, I came out slightly to the left, and a little bit more authoritarian than you....I guess I just can't live without RULES.
