I'd like to apologize for all the politically oriented posts recently. I guess I've been getting a little carried away. Now, all of a sudden, I realized that I never got around to posting about the recent CD released by The Motor Primitives, the rock band with whom I play! What is wrong with me?
The Motor Primitives have a (sort of) new CD out! It's called Classified. You should but it! Really! It rocks! If you don't believe me, ask Dr. Monkey von Monkerstein, creator of the blog Monkey Muck. Read Dr. Monkey's review here. Buy it here..., wait a minute..., I just realized I never set up Blogger to give people a way to contact me. I guess I have to figure out how to fix that. In the mean time, if you want to buy the newish CD by The Motor Primitives, you'll have to contact someone by getting the email address off of this link or leaving me a comment. Be forewarned that Classified is not available through CD Baby, as the first two CDs are. It's necessary to purchase it directly through the band or a band member. $10 (includes shipping) should cover it in the US. Maybe more overseas, but this isn't really a money making operation at this point in time. Make us an offer. Unless it seems like you're being a jerk (recommendation: don't ask for a CD with a message like this: "I think John McCain is god and I want to buy your CD for ¢30 even though I could afford to pay a lot more, but I'm a Rich Bastard who wants to take advantage of you"), we'll probably send you a CD even if we lose money on it. Thanks, and rock on!
I see two on the link. Which are you recommending, the self-titled one or the other one? I know, I know...I should get both, but... ;-)
Hi, Pagan!
Oops. I failed to explain that the "new" CD is not listed on the website, for reasons unbeknownst to me. The two that are listed are both older and have a different lineup than the current CD. I didn't play on either of them, nor did our current keyboard player. I won't say not to buy them, as they are both good, but since this is Shameless Self-Promotion, I'm hawking the one I played on, which is called Classified. I had better go and edit that post to make it clear. If you want to get a copy of Classified, I think you have my e-mail address and if you send me your mailing address I can send you a CD.
Please buy this CD. Baby needs new shoes.
hahhaa Suzy. I will email you about the CD.
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